
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Springcleaning My LIFE...It's gotta be done cause life's CRAZY busy!

Spring has sprung! And it feels like the year's just flying past. When I look at what lies ahead between me and Christmas, it's overwhelming: loads of client work, school holidays, an at-home wedding to plan and a full-on two year old.
...It's easy to fall into full speed ahead this time of year, but I've decided to Spring Clean my life in order to (try) to avoid complete overload and burnout!!!
So I asked myself:
'What could I give up, let go of, complete, delegate, declutter or do differently that would SIMPLIFY my life and bring me FREEDOM, time, space and PEACE rather than madness?!@#'

I was inspired into action by the fact my neice, who'd I'd asked to help sort my tax receipts, managed to do in under 3 hours would have probably taken my until Christmas.
So here are some of the possibilities I came up with:
- Postpone till 2012 the 12 week online business course I recently signed up with.
- Postpone till 2012 building my new superdooper MumSanctuary website.
- Get my 2010/2011 tax out of the way (with the help of my super efficient neice).
- Get ruthless with tossing out/ giving away the loads of STUFF that's grown in our storage.
- Start grocery shopping online.
- Get ride of all those online subscriptions that I never ever have time to open and read and keep only my favourite 3.
- Limit my Facebooking to once a week.

Doesn't matter where I start, making any of these changes will help make breathing space in my life. The trick, of course, will be resisting the urge to fill up that space with yet MORE STUFF!
Happy spring cleaning.
