If you're on the other side of the globe, autumn/ fall is a great time to 'let go' of anything that's just not serving you as a mum. Just this morning, after returning from a busy family weekend away, I could feel myself sinking under the piles of washing and the 'to-do's of work and family life.
Then I remembered to tune in to what makes me feel good, to how I want to feel in my everyday, and to what really matters to me. I took a few minutes to reflect on these things and let go of the tension of 'what I think I SHOULD be doing'.
I was inspired by my friend and mentor Alison Nancye, who says in her book 'Recipes for Everyday Life', 'Lead with your heart and the rest will follow...'. She appeared on Kerri-Anne's show (Ch 9) just last week sharing her remarkable story.
- Check out this super cute 4 min video of Babywisdom on our Laugh + Play page. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love it!
- Essential Baby has launched a new birth section on its site. http://www.essentialbaby.com.au/birth
- Interesting Forum thread on BubHub about the mask of motherhood and whether we have a public and private face.
- Spending too much time on the internet? Finding yourself frequently falling into a cyberhole? Then check out a time-saving solution on out Time + Energy page.
- Need a quick de-stress? Try the Alternate Nostril Breathing exercise.
On the way home from the weekend trip yesterday, we stopped in at a park to stretch the legs. Lily, my 7 year old offered to push a little girl on the swing. Later, her mum came up and thanked Lily for her kindness then turned to me and thanked me for raising such a wonderful girl. The simple gesture made me feel surprisingly good. It's so much easier to hear prasie for your child than it is to receive it for yourself...
Take care, Lyndal ;0)
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