
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

OMG it's December! Never fear, L I S T M A K E R is here!!!

The kids might be overjoyed but December 1 can send a sense of panuic through the minds of mums all over the modern world. Christmas is only a month away and SO MUCH TO DO! Don't a reformed Virgo once know as 'the L I S T M A K E R' (said in an Arnold Schwarzneger type voice) I'm more than eager to share my years of experience in 'to-do' list creation.
A list can help you get organised and free up your mind, but if you're not careful it can create a prison of MUST-DO's that can create even more stress. So, grab a piece of paper and a pen for my Virgo tips for creating a list to help get you through the silly season and save your sanity:

1. Start with a DOWNLOAD - Just start writing any TO-DOs that have been buzzing around your head. Take your time to completely download all of the things you think you need to do, even the minor things like buy wrapping paper or bigger things like shopping for food for Christmas Day. Keep writing until you feel your mind is free of these. (Don't be too overwhelmed about what you see in front of you...better out than clouding up your mind!)
2. Sift and SEPARATE - Circle or underline those things you consider urgent or really, really, really important.(If they have a deadline, put that date next to them).
3. Letting go - Are there any things you can either let go of, delegate to someone else, or do more simply (eg online or over the phone?). This is a great process to repeat several times between now and Christmas, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed.
4. Less is MORE - Remember, the less you have on your list to DO, the more time you have for YOU and your family! More time to create and enjoy the Christmas/ holiday period YOU WANT!
5. Make it a WISHLIST - At the top of a fresh piece of paper write 'My Christmas Wishlist'. Spend a few minutes thinking about how you want Christmas to FEEL for you this year. If it's usually mad and stressful, you might prefer a calmer, more joy filled one. Write one sentence about the experience YOU WANT this time around. (We spend so much time making Xmas special for others and rarely think about how we'd like to experience it!).

Then, transfer your list items across to this new 'wishlist', keeping in mind what you've 'sifted and separated' and any 'letting go' you've been able to do. Put your list in your diary, on the fridge or stuck on the inside a kitchen cupboard where you can add to it, take away or tick off. Remember, less (to do) is more (FOR YOU!).

Remember too that being organised can make life easier but PERFECTION is over rated and exhausting!!!

Happy Christmas preparations,

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