
Sunday, April 3, 2011

When I am at PEACE...magic happens!

Zen Garden.
I dropped into a local park today with Amy (18 months) after a quick trip to the supermarket. My mind had been racing all morning. I couldn't stop thinking about all the things I needed to this week and knew I couldn't get started until Amy had her lunchtime sleep.
I was feeling the great pressure of the job hunt and impatient for a result. At the same time, I was trying to figure out how to maintain my daily writing ritual, plus catch up on my taxes, plus plan for the school holidays (fast approaching).
I fell into OVERWELM...then, I remembered, really remembered, the only way to end this peaceless-ness, this restless-ness is to surrender to THIS VERY MOMENT. Here in the park, my only job is to be present with my girl, to have fun with her.
Work and job searching, and tax and tonight’s dinner and school holiday plans...can all WAIT! Once I surrender, really let go and become fully present, magic happens. Children start to chat to me and involved me in their games. I’m like a fun magnet. Amy and I have a wonderful time together. She comes away exhausted from the play. I come away feeling energized and lighter than when I arrived.
Two years ago I attended a retreat for mums up here in the Blue Mountains. One of the discussions was about PEACE and how we LOSE OUR PEACE THROUGH THE PROCESS OF THINKING. It's said the true nature of peace is silence, but I don't that neccessarily means COMPLETE silence. For me, today, in the park, it was just a matter of silencing the chatter of my own mind; the chatter of all that needed to be done, and pay attention ONLY to what was happening right in front of me and around me in that incredible park full of beautiful ,happy children and sunlight and autumn's first leaves.
At the mum's retreat, we were asked to write our own poem/ piece of writing titled:  'When I am at peace'. Here's what I wrote then. And I feel the same way now.
When I am at peace...all is well in my world. Love surrounds me, all I do, all I experience. I bring peace and love into my heart and home, my conversations, my work, my joyful everyday living.
When I am at peace, I feel like moving, easily, naturally, outdoors, working with my body, filling my mind with positive energy and love and laughter. When I’m at peace I laugh more, dance more with my daughter and move with a grace that flows effortlessly and beautifully along life’s river.

What happens when YOU are at peace?

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