
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Be's Monday AGAIN!?

Another Monday, another week...same old same old! There's a weekly - even daily - deja vu that comes with motherhood and the routine work it brings. Another wet towel, another uniform to iron, another morning running late, another week ahead...
It's so easy to get completely swamped by the ROUTINE of mothering and managing that it feels like life has no surprises left. On one hand, having some routine can make family functioning a whole lot easier. On the other hand, routine and 'control' can become so consuming and addictive that the surprises go un-noticed, fade into the background of daily living. It can feel like to 'fun police' have raided your life and left nothing but a treadmill to run through the day.
So, how do you bring back some of the fun stuff, the laughs, the spontaneity? You can always schedule a few laughs, just like 'quality time'. Or, you can take a chance and surrender to just one of the hundreds of opportunities that beckon you each day, to take a moment, have some fun.
It might take a while to recognise them, but they are there.
So, this Monday, if you feel like it's just another Monday, try being SURPRISED by anything...

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